Wednesday, September 25, 2013


St. Paul's Episcopal Church, located on Milwaukee's near east side and dedicated in 1884, was another venue in the Doors Open Milwaukee 2013 event.  St. Paul's is all about stained glass windows.  They are numerous and beautiful and include several Tiffanys, including the largest window ever created by Tiffany, shown in the photo below.

This window probably measured 10x15 feet, was gorgeous, and was in great condition, considering it is nearly 130 years old.  Not a great shot, but I did want to show the window's full scope.

Here are individual shots of the three main sections of the window.

A docent at the church was very helpful in pointing out some of the features of the windows, including the fact that the white robe of the Christ figure in this last shot had significant three-dimensional components.  Indeed, many of the Tiffany windows featured three-dimensional elements, and the docent had me touch several of the windows to demonstrate this fact.

Following are some other stained glass windows on the other side of the church that I believe were also created by Tiffany.

The colors in these windows appeared to be brilliant and subtle at the same time and were simply glowing.

The church also featured a number of round windows.  Here are a couple.

I know that the first was a Tiffany, but I'm not sure about the second, which was situated above the organ in the choir loft.  Some of the organ's horizontal pipes are visible in the lower portion of the image.

Finally, here are a couple of close-up shots that show off the beautiful detail in the windows.

I could tell that the docent was proud of her church's windows and rightfully so.



  1. What beautiful stained glass atST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Yoou are such a good photographer and catching the best highlights. The round windows are so nice.

  2. I want to ask permission to use a picture as a basis for a painting but don't know how to contact you! Liana

  3. I am sending you an email on your email address. If you can't get it there, send me another comment and I will provide my email address on this blog. John


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