Saturday, October 5, 2024


On one of the days we stayed in Bruges, we traveled to the neighboring town of Ghent, another medieval city.  While there, we did a walking tour and visited the city's cathedral, noted for its 14-panel altarpiece, "The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb."

First, some general scenes.

Several of the historic buildings included plaques that symbolized the city's guilds or important historical figures.

The Ghent cathedral was quite impressive and offered some interesting photo opportunities, both inside and out, including some interesting stained glass.

(I liked the above as an interesting semi-abstract.)

But the "Mystic Lamb," attributed to the van Eyck brothers, was quite stunning.  I never had the opportunity to capture all 14 panels, but here is what I did get.

Finally, some miscellany: intersecting tram tracks that caught my eye, an interesting piece of public art, a clever sign, and people having fun in the river.


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