The first couple are of roses at the Boerner Botanical Garden that I took with my standard 24-120 mm lens. The roses were large enough that macro was not really an issue.
I liked the next shot primarily for its technical and compositional features.
This was shot at f/8, but it was at such close range that the background was comfortably out of focus.
The Domes have been featuring a few lotus blossoms for some time and I got another shot of the one plant in bloom at the time of my visit.
This blossom was 6-8 inches across, and gorgeous. This was taken with my telephoto lens, as was the following shot of a lotus seed pod that is what is left once the flower petals are gone.
I thought the narrow leaves to either side of the pod helped the composition a little.
Then there were a couple of shots that featured pattern and color more than actual blossoms.
And here is a flower that I liked for the abstract quality of the image.
The following was a large blossom in the tropical dome that I also used my telephoto lens to capture.
I also thought the following shot was technically good, even if the flower was indifferent.
In my most recent visit I spied the leaves of one of the plants that were being backlit and took the following shot. I didn't mind that everything was out of focus except the leading edges of the two leaves.
I thought the following shot of a pond lily also worked fairly well. The leaves helped to make the shot.
Finally, I noticed another plant with blossoms in various stages of opening. Here, first are some buds that were still "wound up" . . .
followed by a more mature bloom.
A little hard to tell what is going on, but, hey, the shots are good technically.
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